Welcome to the New Jersey School Buildings and Grounds Association Membership PageTo those new to us we are a network of Buildings and Grounds Supervisors, Facilities Directors, Operations Managers and Custodial Supervisors from all over the State of New Jersey. Membership is currently at 450 with many new members expressing interest and coming aboard. We are ten chapters strong covering the State from the High Point Monument to the Cape May Lighthouse. We strive to keep up with the latest regulations from PEOSHA, NJDEP, NJDOE and a host of others. We are about keeping our members informed and trained to keep our schools clean, safe and secure. Regular membership is open to those Buildings and Grounds Supervisors, Facilities Directors, Operations Managers and Custodial Supervisors that are employed by a public, private or charter school system in the State of New Jersey. Affiliate membership also available for our employees.Regular/Affiliate MembershipAn active member shall be one who is employed by and on the payroll of a public school system, non public school or charter school in the State of New Jersey who is involved in operations and maintenance as a supervisor. Affiliate membership is reserved for those individuals that our regular members would like to bring into the membership. Join TodayAssociate MembershipAn Associate Member shall be actively engaged in doing business with or is interested in doing business with school systems in the State of New Jersey. Associate members must have all required paperwork to do business with schools in the State of New Jersey. NJSBGA reserves the right to request references from served districts before granting full approval. Join Today |